Send email to a predefined address in App Inventor with IFTTT

If you want to build an app which can send you an email easily with App Inventor you can use the free service IFTTT.

These are the steps to follow if you are already using App Inventor:

  1. Sign up for IFTTT here:
  2. Go to
  3. Click “Connect”
  4. Click “Documentation” to get your key, save it for later
  5. Click “My Applets”, it’s in the top menu
  6. Click “New Applet”
  7. Click “✚ this
  8. Search “Webhooks” and click it
  9. Click “Receive a web request
  10. Set the Event Name to mail_me , then click “Create trigger”
  11. Click “that
  12. Search “Email” and click it
  13. Click “Send me an email
  14. Change the Subject field to {{Value1}} and the Body field to {{Value2}} (you’ll be able to edit it later to refine it if you want), then click “Create action”
  15. Check your recipe and click “Finish”

Everything is now ready in IFTTT!

If you want to change your receiving email address:

  1. Click on your username in the top right
  2. Click “Services”
  3. Search “Email” and click it
  4. Click “Settings”
  5. Click “Edit connection”
  6. Follow the instructions there

In App Inventor you will need to set your blocks like this:

Blocks for App Inventor
Change “INSERT YOUR KEY HERE” to the key you got in point 4

All set!


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